Container transportation by own vessels

Customized and reliable approach to sea transportation


Sea transportation



  • Your reliable partner

    Our company is an expert in the field of sea container transportation from Asia to the Baltic and the Far East. We provide reliable and efficient services using our own fleet and container fleet, as well as many years of experience of our employees.

  • Own fleet

    Our transportation is provided by our own fleet, ensuring a high level of control and reliability in every delivery.

  • Schedule

    On our website you can find the current schedule of departure and arrival of ships and trains. We update the timetable as the situation on the sea lanes changes, so that you always have up-to-date information

  • Personal cabinet

    Neco Line's Personal Cabinet is your reliable working tool that provides you with personalized pricing, convenient workflow and real-time shipment tracking. This functional tool will help you optimize your work and make your processes more efficient.


See all

Contact us to calculate the exact cost

* We work only with legal entities

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    The telephone number should be in the format +7(000)-000-00-00

    These fields are not required, but will help us respond to your request more quickly

    Number of containers

    If there is any important information about the shipment, conditions or your wishes about the transportation process, please write them here.

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